Late Night Talking

-=1:20 AM , Indonesia Time=-

hello, sorry I just want to share something blocking on my head..

well, it started from because now LFS has the new patches, and my friend set the server with multimod (so we can use different engine spec and any other things).. The things that blocked my way is, the rules.. :(

The rules said: "dont use any other tweak beside that offered on this site" :( I tried talk to my friend 3 times about FormulaDrift Spec Engines (V8 Engines), but that he says just I have the bad Attitude.. :( damn, I just want to feel the real engine on LFS before I go drive the real car,... :(

I know its not the same with the real car, but the things on that game makes me insane.. it has a real physic of driving, from understeering to braking(that makes the steer a bit heavy), also when turning we can feel where the wheels goes to.. too real I cant say it with words.. just the damage occasion that I dont like - it like a wrecked milkbox than a crashed bumper :P

I just try to make everything looks real, because comparing to the NFS series, I think LFS better than that game.. so I have ambitions to make it like the real things.. but looks like my friend didnt like my ideas.. and the shitty things that he said I've bad attitude just because I asking all of it.. :(

so what should I do for this situation..? should I surrender and follow the rules, and pretend I'll obey the rules even I dont like it ..? or I should leave them or even making my own server so I can do as free as I want..? but for building a server it needs a lot money, I cant handle it before I'm in pro level on Autemo.. :(

and also, am I wrong with my ideas..? I know it just the game, but its not ordinary games, its a Simulation game so I know every physic on this game is same like GT5 (maybe) or GT4, almost real..

Well, sorry if my english maybe wrong or messed, if any of you dont understand feel free to ask me to re-explain it.. :) thanks for reading (and giving solution if any) my post.. :)
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I don't think you should worry yourself too much with the game, and no matter how "realistic" any driving simulator claims to be, it will never be the same as driving a real car. Especially a tuned one with no OEM figures.

Simulators are designed more to drive your own car, or modify your own car that you own in real life to see what it could do, or for the veteran driver to go nuts without the risk of killing themselves, not to test a real car before you're in it.
Well Jack, why I do this, is just because this..


if you can guess what I mean from that pict, yes, thats my first car mod on LFS, and also recently I read any routine of Formula Drift USA (next I'll say it FD), even I cant update the latest news about it, I got the passion of any car on FD, especialy the 350z team falken, so I make my own after searching the 3d models, then I do a bit same like the owner of that 350z done.. :) just using another car but maybe 75% or 80% same styles.. :D

also, I just try to make the engine between 6.7L and 7.0L, V8, +600bhp, I tried to manipulate it via hex software, and I got the perfect composition (not too fast, but it powerfull in testrun), I hope that I can using my own spec because the abilities of that new server, but the truth said I can't (or don't..?), so this just a junk on my PC because if this done, it will be no meaning at all .. :( *sigh

EDIT: that's the answer why I looks like inactive(if you care about active-inactive member to make some 'cleanup'), I start learning 3dsmax, its hard, but its fun... after see this faith (faith..?? lol I know this too lol-ness) I just can say: "Maaaan, I just wasting my important days because of this..". :(
Post edited June 27, 2011 at 03:59:53 AM by IvanCS
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