Computer Problem: Help Me


I get this several times throughout the useage of my computer. I think it's the Graphics Card I'm not entirely sure. I ain't that good with knowledge anymore of computer problems due to all this new technology that comes out these days so any help on the procedure of this would be helpful.

It's an old thread but probably can be helpfull:
update the nvidia driver.I Had the same problem a week bacK :-d
yeah its graphics card related, do what pegasis said, if that doesn't work then uninstall it completely, download the latest drivers off the nvidia site then reinstall. See how that goes for ya and let us know if you get it fixed
had exactly the same problem with my old Nvidia card, turned out my motherboard needed replacing. It did it every 10 mins or so and it was a pain in the ass.
I had the same problem some weeks ago,
Tried to reinstall drivers and all, but in the end I just replaced my gfx card :/

EDIT: put the broken gfx card back in and followed ilPoli's link, works for now... :D

EDIT2: stopped working... errors are back.
Post edited April 07, 2011 at 09:31:26 PM by samvesters
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