- Autemo feature

I think this blog feature we were fortunate enough to get is worthy of a post here.

These guys are one of the biggest Car blogging websites in the world. Getting us featured there - on the homepage, yes the homepage!!!!, was all down to JackDarton. I can't express how thankful I am for him making this happen.

It's generated a lot of traffic our way, so much so I think our site went down because of the spike in traffic for a moment! Old eyes and new eyes have seen our site, (including an old friend RuiG..) :D He messaged me to let me know he'll be registering shortly.

If you haven't seen the article please do go and check it out. Like it on our facebook autemo page etc if you see it on there or popup in your newsfeed.


Well, this is helping Autemo alot, and hopefully there will be many more of these kinds of features to come in the near future!

1 person liked this.
sweet blog
Very nicely down Jack! :D
I like you.
That is one very fine article.
A great step for autemo.

Well done!
Yup, this is pretty darn awesome... Our first site-failure due to too much traffic, also, yaaay! :D (it really is actually a good sign).
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