sorry all if my english bad.. but in my senior high school, I just get 6 of 10 the English Exam, so sorry if many of you didnt got what I mean.. :D
Hmmm, I get what you mean too... Mmmmm, I think how it came across may not have been the best. I think one thing you can do, either talk to her or shoot her a mail that explains it was an accident that you came across it. Absolutely don't say that you checked out everything, but that when you installed something on your computer, you accidentally saw something... Also ensure her that the secret is safe with you and that you won't tell anyone.

Once she gets over the initial anger (probably a couple of weeks), she might have a look at that again and think "I can trust this guy, it's ok, not that big a deal"... or something... Either that or she will never be ok about it, but in that case you can't do much about it anyway?...
Actually, good thing about autemo in this is that unlike other social networks, this one isn't 100% public for the whole internet to see! :) Kinda good some times....
yeah.. can't do much about it..:(

hmm.. well I try it first, hope she will forgive me about my mistake that I've done..

Yeah, Autemo is very good for both the modification and even talk about life, that's why I more prefer to tell it here than in other social networking sites like face-bought.. :D
I agree with IronChop about letting her know that the secret is safe with you. If she doesn't want to hear you saying anything, just send a small message to her saying that and nothing else. After that just step back and let things cool down a bit.
Exactly what Ollite20 and IronChop said! ;)
Some good advice to listen to here Ivan. And Yassid and Ollite got it right in my opinion. Just be frank and man up about it. First thing you gotta do is apologize - Don't lie to her, say you were wrong, it was a mistake and you shouldn't have done it. Be sincere, so don't say it unless you mean it. She needs to her you say you regret stumbling upon something of hers you shouldn't have. Whether it be by accident or purpose, going around in peoples personal files is not the right thing to do.

Whether it be a day, a weeks, two weeks, or a few months. If she's a good kinda girl she'll forgive you. If not, well my friend just move on, put her in your past. Learn from it. And remember there's always plenty more girls out there bud.

You're a good guy Ivan, in life just be open, honost and always be quick to admit when you know you are wrong. You will rightfully get respect that way, and things will tend to work out.
she'll get over it
if its a secret about her and her bf relationship just stay out of it and not talk to her any more no point to love her because she could hurt you two. If she is a really good friend you wouldn't let this stop friendship.
Excuse my English I'm dyslexic ;)
@Mark: yeah I've sent an email to her about my apologize,, and until now she didnt give any response yet.. :( I know I'm wrong, but should I'm being hated all the time because of that..? even if I'm tell that her secret safe on me, she's really dont care, she still dont want to talk with me...:( Aww, it makes me cant sleep well since she warn me of that..

@Bacon: hmm, yeah, sometimes friendship can be broken just by love, but if we've got fall in love already? what can we do? Oh, man, looks like love is confusing... :(
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