Shiny cars?

Alright guys, i want to know how you make your cars really shiny and clean ;)

please post a link of a tut!

Like this "sorry if i used your pic!"

thanks AttiitudeFx
Post edited February 14, 2011 at 10:47:15 AM by attiitudeFx
I understand what you want to original image
This is
good luck
Reflections and the correct shading in brushing. Thats all there is too it. Just gotta practice and find your own style with it :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Thanks for choosing my pic :D
What about the chop, like Chopperkid44 said, it's all about correct shading and brushing ;)
What is more, you can choose the BG with a car and use it's reflection to your's (rebrushing car) by keeping shapes original :)
:::> eimiz design <:::
Like Eimiz said just use a reference pic, and concentrate on details, use colors as many as you can from reference and you will be surprised :-d Check out JD's brushing tut, the first part
Born wrote:
Like Eimiz said just use a reference pic, and concentrate on details, use colors as many as you can from reference and you will be surprised :-d Check out JD's brushing tut, the first part

Can you post a link :) and thanks guys for the feed back! <3
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