What kind of study have you done?

Looking on forum I've seen amazing works done with Photoshop and obviously amazing skills (but also great website design and photography). The question is what kind of study have you done to reach your level? Art institute? Industrial and car design? Or you, like me, have only done all by yourself?

I've started long time ago (no in a "galaxy far away") stealing time at study (I've quitted university after four years) with some lotype design and then I've increased my skills day after day and now I work in a magazine using InDesign, Photoshop and others tools of trade.

PS: and if you are thinking "Hey this guy don't know english!"... yep, I've learned english all by myself :D
Post edited February 04, 2011 at 10:16:41 PM by ilPoli
i did a technologic design course, but all i know i learned alone at home
Here in Italy we have a course of car design located in Torino (home of the Fiat headquarter) but is first of all really expensive and then the duration can't be affordable by me (3 years), I've to work damn. Jack85 is following this course with some great results.

When I make a chop I see that I don't have some basic knowledge expecially for perspective and shadows&highlights (and reflections too). it's frustrating sometimes having good ideas but not the abitilies to make them.
ilPoli wrote:
When I make a chop I see that I don't have some basic knowledge expecially for perspective and shadows&highlights (and reflections too). it's frustrating sometimes having good ideas but not the abitilies to make them.

I know exactly what you mean...

I leanrt all by myself. Starting with Paint Shop Pro actually.
But then i got Photoshop, and life became easier! :)
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