I like what Nicklas said.
Thanks for the feedback...

The only benefit I see is to clean up the artist page a bit, but as it's sorted by rank anyway it should mean most of the reasonably active people are on the first couple of pages, no?

I definitely do not want to delete inactive accounts every 3-4 months as that'll just create admin headackes when people like Klaus in his past life comes back and complains that they can't log in anymore..

There's big changes coming to the client facing bits of Autemo soon, so this is probably not a priority for now, but I do know that there will be some changes to artist profiles soon too ;). We can perhaps look at the filter of who shows up on that page at the same time - i.e. make it show people who have logged in in the last year or something like that...
Klaus wrote:
If I'm not mistaken digimods used a technique where if you weren't active for a few months your account was deleted. I remember signing up more than once simply because I didn't login often enough (I was too busy enjoying PSU xD).
Nicklas wrote:
I see your point, however, it would be better if the inactive profiles were just deactivated after like 3 months, and if the user decides to come back, he would have to activate it again.

I'm more thinking of a longer period of 8 months, if not log into that period, and after all that, "deactivation profiles"
I do not know it is my opinion, and I see that many agree with that, so if this is a big problem on other forums, I see no reason why it would not be here prevented or at least lessen.
Here in Bosnia there is an old adage: "better prevent then cure it later", although it sounds better in my language
thanks for your opinions guys :D


personally i cant be bothered with inactive users , never see them , dont know them
but it would be simple to avvoid it (as stated in previous posts here)

i never thought about it because you only realise it when you look into the members pages / portfolio's
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