Being a moderator on a small chop forum, I personally find it already hard.

The admins have lives out of the internet, With over 4000 member and 5 chop section on Autemolio, I think there doing an amazing job.

Also It doesn't matter if someone is higher ranking, I personally think whats most important is you enjoy chopping, If some one only has one chop, they might be annoying and keep begging to get promoted which is pointless or they have been chopping for a long time.

My 2.5 cents xD
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J_HUI wrote:
Being a moderator on a small chop forum, I personally find it already hard.

The admins have lives out of the internet, With over 4000 member and 5 chop section on Autemolio, I think there doing an amazing job.

Also It doesn't matter if someone is higher ranking, I personally think whats most important is you enjoy chopping, If some one only has one chop, they might be annoying and keep begging to get promoted which is pointless or they have been chopping for a long time.

My 2.5 cents xD

Sup, I've got 4 mods for 28,000 members :P But yeah, they're doing a good job here!
We also have the clients section to manage as well. That's something most other hobbyist-type forums have the luxury of not having to manage. And it's the kind of stuff that really takes the majority of our staff's time up, and as I tell the guys - it should really, cos it's the bread-and-butter that keeps this system running. If Autemo does well, we all benefit from it: the chopping world gets more exposure, the user base grows, the community gets new features, and you the chopper earn money from the projects that come in of course. Website Development for the last 6weeks has been on my plate. It's whats consuming more than all of my spare time already. The other admins are doing a top job picking up the slack in this time. I must commend them all for that. I still see us needing to shift more effort and resources to attracting projects and getting clients coming onboard in the future.

What I'm trying to say here is: we're all extremely tight on time right now, and i've had to have my efforts devoted to development like I said, so please bare with us for this short period. But having said that, just because we're busy, it doesn't mean we've stopped listening to you guys.

We hear you, and so back on track here, I know it's been acknowledged a couple of times already that people are not happy with the way promotions around here work. In part I agree. We need to tend to that situation. On this note, I'd like to add: I find it frustrating and rude when people nag us admins via pm asking for promotions etc. It's as simple as this: be active in the forums, show off your work in the showrooms, keep your profile up to date, us admins are bound to see you that way and will promote you up (or down..) accordingly. Other than that, I can say the Global Chopper Ranking system is COMPLETE. It's like one massive global leaderboard. I've put in a lot of work building the points based aspect that tallys and rewards choppers based on ratings/votes, winning comps, providing good feedback, liking posts etc. Let's see how that enhances the promoting aspect and enables us to better respond to promotions when it's released. It'll provide some solid insights for everybody into where choppers should be promoted to.

As a sidenote, as for the 'quick admin promote this guy feature' - that's not a voting system. That simply alerts admins to go check out the thread. And admins then go check up on the chopper and their profile/past work etc and Whether admins actually decide to promote them or not, is entirely up to their discretion. It doesn't matter if they try to rig it by getting 100 of their friends to hit that 'quick admin promote this guy' button. If we think somethings suss, as all that does is alert us, we'll take appropriate action - and in that case (and fortunately the 'rigging' has never happened anyway) we'd probably actually demote the people involved.

All the chopper-related updates to the new site are complete. I'm putting final touches on the new front-end (client-facing) aspect of the site and the moment that's done the site will be up. Please just be a little more patient and hold on a little while longer, the site needs to be finished, then the testing will be done, then the site will be up. It's coming soon!
thanks mk211!!!I know you guys have a lot on your plate and I commend you guys on what you guys are doing and accomplished so far.I think as a senior chopper(when i say that,i mean someone who has been on forums like these for years already,lol,yeah im old) i've seen the chopping change a lot and there are a lot more people wanting to chop which is a great thing,its a growing art.Im sure you guys will sort this soon,and I have no doubt that things will only get better.
Thanks once again mates!
Good luck with the site further!
Can't wait to see the new site Mark! Last time we upgraded my site it went to shits and everything went down for three weeks trying to get backups and everything back to shape, even killed a couple of servers on the way there, lol.
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