Ich stimme fur orange :D

Nice work so far, frontstoßstange fits well, really nice.

P.s.: I would leave the hood schoop on, it looked amazing IMO :)
1. I like the scoop.
2. Orange.
3. It's an Acura NSX not a Honda NSX (Surprised nobody else said this).
XD on a other Board we had this Discuss too :D it's a Honda or Acura, wayne. Look here: http://www.autowp.ru/pictures/honda/nsx/autowp.ru_honda_nsx_32.jpg
Sarge wrote:
3. It's an Acura NSX not a Honda NSX (Surprised nobody else said this).

does it really matter?
the magic answer is: no.
Sarge wrote:
1. I like the scoop.
2. Orange.
3. It's an Acura NSX not a Honda NSX (Surprised nobody else said this).

Where you find out thats it is called Acura but not Honda? Its a Honda! o.O
tuneR97 wrote:
Sarge wrote:
1. I like the scoop.
2. Orange.
3. It's an Acura NSX not a Honda NSX (Surprised nobody else said this).

Where you find out thats it is called Acura but not Honda? Its a Honda! o.O

dude, get real
it is an acura nsx
it even has acura badge on the front

not that it matters much for the wip, but cmon now that is just hilarious :D

i would suggest red for color ;)
the bumpers color is cool
Red is not Cool :D You can see it on all Second NSX :D I want a Color, not a Mainstream XD
The FB looks great if you can brush it properly! I think a shiny orange color would go great with black details! Keep it up, really can't wait to see this finished!
that very very nice dude, i'm waiting the finish chop. hehehe.. sory for my bad english. :P
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