well 2010 is a new start in my chopping career. i was chopping back in the digimods days although never part of the forums etc as, to be honest, i wasnt actually aware of a forum! i wish i had joined back then because it means i would have probably stuck at it better over the years. anyway back to 2010. well what can i say really... i have the upmost respect for the moderators here. im so glad to come to a place that have people on the same wave length as myself and aren't the typical 'NOOB' hating nerdy twats you get on most other sites. although i havent actually post any work yet, its great giving the feedback to people and seeing them improve within the site (infact its cause im doing this that i dont get anything done! - chop wise)

well looking ahead to 2011 -

hopefully in the new year i will be able to actually show you guys what i am capable of! i feel i have a lot to offer in this community. now i have my new flat ready by feb, new job as lead graphic designer at a web design company and my new computer - plus its 40 inch moniter :D im sure ill be able to contribute more and more to further autemo into the future :-d

thanks to everyone here for making chop again :-d
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

Thanks for the nice feedback Tetra. It also sounds like you've got a good year ahead of you. Good to hear!

2010 was great but tbh 2011 on autemo is starting to get annoying ...
some are soooo childisch :-q :(

damn :P


that was all needed to get taht off my chest :-d
agreed rich very childish comments.
and no constructive comments

eg the rims are shit

rather than:

i think that the rims are low res try getting a better doner next time.



rather than:

wow, love the way you did the fb really cool style keep up the good work.

its not that hard just say what think and be helpful and take critisim well, very rare someone is very rude

rant over :P :-d
Sainity is the playground for the unimaginative

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