Protect your electronics! (CHECK THIS!)

Hi guys!
Im saying this to all for your own good. Please protect your electronic equipment in the cold. Me myself, came home to see my mac frosted when tacking it out of my bag. Now I am also conserned of my phone. As when moving cold/frosted electronics from cold to warm, it can occure condence inside the device which may cause water damage.

Since cold makes matter contract, a cold computer hard drive (where your files are stored) can be unreadable until the little bits warm up and move back to their normal position. If you try to use the computer while its cold, files on the hard drive can be permanently damaged. Cold often makes moving parts move more slowly.. again affecting hard drive speed and the ability to read files, fan speed, etc.

When you bring a cold object into a warm space, condensation will form on the cold object. This moisture can cause corrosion and electrical problems in the device.

What should you do if you leave your laptop (or any other electronics) in a cold place?

Allow the device to warm slowly to room temperature (don't put it in an oven because you might forget it there).
If possible, protect the device from condensation by placing it in a sealed plastic bag, laptop case, etc., BEFORE taking it into a warm place. Don't remove the device from the bag until the device has warmed to room temperature.
Under NO circumstances should you turn the device ON before it has warmed to room temperature. Keep in mind that the outside of the device will warm more quickly than the inside. Make sure you give the device plenty of time to warm through and through. This can take several hours; e.g., if the laptop is in its padded case.

- Takin
Now that you mention it my sub in the car isn't working, or my head unit :(
Aww :( That sucks man!
I belive its condencation... from when the sub and the unit is cold, and you turn on heat in the car. (?)
not trying to be an smartass here, but this thread is bit obvious info filled?
sorry to read on damage to your stuff, but this is something that should be pretty obvious to me atleast
nordic man wrote:
not trying to be an smartass here, but this thread is bit obvious info filled?
sorry to read on damage to your stuff, but this is something that should be pretty obvious to me atleast

Not everyone like you is smart nore have common sense :P

I'm certainly stupid in ways and his topic made me realise "hmm maybe the frost did this".
Whether the information given in this thread or not tend to seem obvious, it's still quite helpful, and it's just a friendly advice, so thumbs up for that.
Thanks Nicklas.

Actually my moms iPhone got damaged by frost today. And guess what? Insurance does not cover anything -.-
Good job, thanks for the post. Frost isn't something I have to worry about in my part of the world, but I certainly know how much it sucks to lose electronic equipment! Any tips for the people how to prevent loosing their equipment due to stuff like this is good!
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