
Time of the year when the flu/headcolds/coughs/sneezing and fevers come. I feel like absolute death nevermind look it. Anyone else suffering?
I have for the last two weeks. Finally getting better. :)
nope i'm fine (knock-on-wood)

well take care and sleep it off m8 , in holland we say beterschap , i think it would be get well soon ? :P :-d
Me and my girlfriend have got it, we're basically quarantining ourselves in the house. And I'm coughing as i write this, feels like my lung might pop out shortly. Had enough of it 5 days ago and it's just annoying now. Hope you get better soon BCS and anyone else who has it :(
Aye, just caught it, I'm not fully sikk yet :/
i am, a lot, had 40 degrees fever, my throat can swallow a pea, didnt get any sleep this night, i feel really bad, altough, dont stay in bed, its bad for it, take the pills for flu, go outside and breed some air, youll get better
i can honest to heart say that i have never had flu , dontknow why, but i was born with 2 holes in my heart and my doctors pumped me with anti shit from i was 10months til i was 3 years so maybe thats why, very odd , but i never had it only my famliy and friend has it and im fine, closest i get to flu is sore throat =)

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