Bizarre Creation, killed by Activision

Its true
Today there was rumours that Bizarre creations the producer of games such as PGR and BLUR , have been shutdown by Activion is now been confirmed .

200 people lost their jobs today,and its sad time in gaming history.

This for me is a SAD PANDA time =(
As i belive they brought something to the table no one else did , and i just cant believe they are gone , even wOrse now is that WE are also in the hands of Activision the company I work for ,

So I am not so secure about my work now, since if our game dont do well, its hammer time for us as well =(

last game i remember from them that i played was formula one (from 1995 season)

but sad to see so many people losing jobs again, i hate the modern capitalism and this is just an small decision compared to loads bigger companies making much more bigger decisions :/
That's realy sad,200 people lost their jobs because one or two average or not that good games ? Imo,it's not fair and it's wrong to treat your employers like this.Good luck to all of those people.

Glac,on what are you working,what kind of game ?
this really sucks. :(
sorry to hear this and good luck mate.
TK tuning wrote:
That's realy sad,200 people lost their jobs because one or two average or not that good games ? Imo,it's not fair and it's wrong to treat your employers like this.Good luck to all of those people.

Glac,on what are you working,what kind of game ?

I involved with NASCAR 2011, , you can see more here ,

That's pretty impressive !
I'm not fan of NASCAR,but i will try it for sure ! Last time i played NASCAR was on PS1 before 8-9 years maybe lol.
That's really shit how a big company can just do that..

I don't think you have anything to be afraid of glac, your game will do well just wait til it hits the US. It will be huge there
Damn it sucks to see game company just going down the drain and people getting fired.

But Glac your a talented artist, and as you once told me on msn, you know so many aspect and areas of design I think you'll do fine :-d

And Imo if you want a game to be successful, go read some reviews and ask random people what they actually want in a game, or get some beta testers and get some real input, not a bunch of mate from the office because they will most likely give bias C&C, and the just deliver a flawless and unique creation thats mind blowing.

Still, best of luck mate.
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That is the unfortunate side of the games industry. No developer is safe, not even if their games were good and sold well. Just look at what Sony did to Studio Liverpool (WipEout HD and Motor Storm games).

And even still, games industry is where I want to make my living. :D
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