X-Raited Creations wrote:
Chopperkid44 wrote:
X-Raited Creations wrote:
Chopperkid44 wrote:
Its old but made me lol cuz i haven't heard it in a while. good refresher

I read it the first time over at Streetfire when that was a nice place to be.

And im glad you find it as funny as i do. :)
iCandi wrote:
I feel stupid.

thats my bad, i hadnt posted the picture when you read through this.

haha same here. Too bad that place went down the shitter. Gotta remove my sticker from them off my car and virtual garage since they're dead or dead to me :-q

Yeah.. havent heard from Shred or carguy in ages. You still in touch with em?

Haha adding to the quote length.

I talk with steve evey once in a while on facebook same with luke and shred i've sent a text from time to time and catch up haha. Sad that place ran into the internet issue
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
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