Calling all audiophiles

Hey guys

A while back i posted about the fact that I bought some Sony headphones, and they sound shit on my pc, shit on my iphone etc... So i just assumed they were crap quality and that i'd been ripped off. Afterwards, I tried them out of sheer curiosity on a little crappy mp3 player... and they sounded freaking amazing! i'm a huge audiophile... I love me nothing better than amazing quality sound and these blew me away. I proceeded to try them on my sisters little mp3 player, and they sounded amazing then too! plugged them into my sisters stereo (not an expensive one) and they sounded amazing again!... WHY when i plug them into the heaphone jack in my pc which has a HD 7.1 surround sound sound card (and i turn it onto stereo for the headphones) do they sound like crap. I've played with the equaliser, and any sign of bass distorts them like crazy. I've tried new drivers, everything. Doesn't explain why they sound crap on my iphone too. I'm so confused, any help would be massively appreciated!
have you asked the shop?
it's a Sony - not for advanced users probably :D

no, seriously - check the tech spec of the headphones, and see if they have some internal component that filters (or does something else) to the sound :)
Sex sucks, true love swallows wild.gif
It's possible that your PC has some different output settings for 'Speakers' and 'Headphones', like a lower input level for headphones or something.
I always thought that those setting would make no difference, sound is sound. But in this case, it might matter.
With the iPhone, it would just be that Apple are dicks :P But seriously, I don't know about that one. A normal headphone jack has three prongs, the iPhone has four to allow for the microphone. It could be that this is inducing some interference with the headphones? That's all I can think of.
I'd say just to Google the headphone model and see what problems other people are having.
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