About Autemo

Pfuuh, I've tired when seeing the people that don't respect the other chopper i.e. flamming the other chopper's chop with any words that's makes that choppers felt down, or having the bad attitude like rejecting any opinion from the other choppers..

To the point, What mission I join Autemo is to improve my chop to get better and better with any constructive comments, and I glad to be commented :D.. but sometimes, I hate when 1 chopper said like ":-q" or "this is a fail :-q"... Damn it always make me mad when seeing that.. :@

Well, umm, in my opinion, the chop is to be commented. so, what the use when u've finish a chop without comment from anyone about plus-minus of that chops isn't it? well, I think, when that he wants, why he join this forum isn't it? to be showoff the sucks? I think he should go away from a/the forum if don't want to be commented.. :-q

Sorry for my bad english, and also, this thread created no offense, just to point out about the Rules(who own the rules on this site? I wonder to know who :D ), that I see that a chopper must respect the others..

Cheers, just to chat here, again this is no offense :D

O yeah, I forget to thanks to AUTEMO that providing the chop site like this to connect the other choppers in any country and also to be improved in chopping.. thanks :-d :-d :-d :-d :-d
True thing mate. But you allso have to consider that not everyone have the time and effort to write you several pages long comments. Its true that comments should be constructive, and i also feel dissapointed about few comments containing demotivational words.

But afterall, its a matter of choice, and im certain that none of this is personal mate. Just get over it and smack their forhead with a blasting chop next time!

- iCandi
Those are extreme examples you are giving, and definitely not your average comments...

What if you post a chop..but never comment other chops, what if everyone did that, kind of a failing system?

It's also quite obvious where you got the idea for this topic from, why not talk it out over there? Its not 100% of the cases!
Nearly all chops get comments about + and - of it.

Then again, its just teh internets don't take things so personal.
Sorry brian, don't mean anything, but i think, if u dont like about someone chop in this site, or anything on the other site, dont comment it like example "a fail" or similarity of dislike like that without correction or any constructive comment yet.. I know, it's just an internet habit, that case is usually happens often.., but sometimes, if we want to socialize, i think atleast, we must keep our behaviour in order to keep the other respect himself to us, and maybe he will help us any about he knows..:D

Also, the rules of this(or similar) site like this is please respect the other chopper, isn't it? CMIIW..:)

The analogy that drawed in my mind:

a noobs with good attitude -> socialize with the other that pro -> the pro will help that noobs any that he knows kindly -> the noobs become same/close to pro, then he share what he have got to the other..

So, is that a respect too? Again CMIIW..:)

I just talk about my opinion, no offense like i said before, and I didn't see it as personal :D, so please don't get mad about any of my word that maybe wrong or what.. Okay.. Peace.. (^^)v... Everyone has a freedom to express his opinion isn't it? :D
often you will find that it is merely due to the way people express themselves

for many members, english is not their first language, so when they say "this is fail" it may seem harsher than they mean it to be, as they do not fully understand what they are saying

It is frustrating, but the good comments cheer you up, and motivate you, so you have to ignore these terrible comments - that's life :-d
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