Give it a break. the admins do have a life outside of Autemo.
X-Raited Creations wrote:
Give it a break. the admins do have a life outside of Autemo.

I then again think you've crawled into my mind and read my thoughts :P But yes X-Raited is right, we have plenty of things going on outside Autemo. However, we do try our best to keep up with the Promotions. I myself have been trying to help as many people as possible, giving advice and crtisim to help improve a member's work. I am not going to promote every member every ten minutes to be promoted, you want up a level, work for it. There has been a lot of New Choppers that others have gave advice and they've bascially ignored it. Intermediate is all about having the feel of chopping and an eye for detail. As you move up to Pro Tuners its about execution and brush work; and so on for the other levels of chopping.

It would take us ages to go through each section and promote/de-promote (Which I won't like doing if members get promoted then fail to stick to that level). A lot of members haven't posted their works in ages, they could be better or they could be worse so technically if we promoted them it would be false promotion if they were in due time to post another chop.

As of now, I am grateful to be on the Autemo Team and I thanked everyone who gave me warm welcomes. I have promised to check every new post from my last visit, comment/critisie if possible, promote who deseserves to be promoted, help new artists to improve their skills and obviously other higher levelled artists nad keep a friendly atmosphere here. However, it doesn't seem like a lot of work but if you were in the position you'd realize it takes up sometime dedicating myself to each section to improve others. So if I haven't commented or viewed your new chop topic, I apologise in advance.

Not many of you know, but I am part-owner of a car website (it's in my profile) and I do the uploading of reports from car shows, go to car shows, help get cars ready for club stand from my own area, keep website up-to-date and look after the Facebook page for the car site. This also takes time and I have to dedicate myself to that each day too.

As for the other Admins, some off them are on Holidays atm and that's why things have been slow. It is summer and everyone goes away with mates or family. IrnonChop is travelling around the place atm, Mark is on his Holidays, Nicklas has just went on Holidays. In the meantime, Me, Jack & Glac will be watching around the Forums keeping everything up-to-date as best as we can.

You'se have to understand where us Admins are coming from, but don't worry if I/other Admins miss something, it's not intentional. I hope this clears this up for a lot of you :-d
Lol I was stuck on novice for 2-3 months because back then on DM /VM
Crazyrichard, Fuzl and others said I got to do better to level up, now days people (not mentioning names) are PM'ing for promotion. :-q
Once again, on a large scale site it's hard to promote everyone and people have lives outside teh interwebz... except for me :|

If you truly earn it, you'll be noticed.
Either that or.... make friends with people on the inside, Wub you Nicklas and BCS or is it BSC :P
Come join us on Facebook and Tumblr
Ima bitch slap you so hard you'll... Nevermind lol. But yeah begging via PM doesn't and won't get you nowhere. I'll see your topic overtime, don't worry. Just give me time :)
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