lol :P Nicklas, I've noticed your engrish has improved heaps since then anyway
Fuse wrote:
Nicklas, the spelling in ALL the articles you wrote sucks. Bad.


No u!
MK211 wrote:
lol :P Nicklas, I've noticed your engrish has improved heaps since then anyway

Yeah, that i thinks too mark.
Actually Nicklas, i disagree. I was reading through that one E-Zine i contributed to the other day, and your english still fails. Ever heard of proof-reading?

i kid, i kid :D

And if/when the ezine returns, will we have the same or a bigger ezine team?
Thats a good question random94. We'll be looking at 4-5 ppl to help be in charge and run the ezine most likely, to be a tiny bit bigger like we had it at psu.. But for now we will have to wait and see.
random94 wrote:
And if/when the ezine returns, will we have the same or a bigger ezine team?

[secret-staff-talk]@ Mark - That douche Random really got on my nerves on the old team, so we should definitely get a new team together.[/secret-staff-talk]

Random, we will definitely consider you as a part of the team if the e-zine returns! ;-)
lol cool thanks guys :)
Really sweet work, hope you guys can get it up and running again for Autemo! :D
I like you.
Really great visual work. More of the new studies Autemo expect MK211. :-d In the meantime, we'll see when new ones?
Post edited October 08, 2009 at 10:46:46 PM by Mavra Design
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