Me Introduce myself (IvanCS)

Hello, I'm IvanCS, Actualy my name is Irvan, but I'd like if people call me Ivan.. :D

Umm, I'm join this Autemo to learn much about Virtual Designing (or it familiar whit the word "chopping").. If someone would help me for advicing me in my chop.. I'll voluntary accept it, because my destination is to learn how to be the best (or atleast, to be almost real in chopping) :P

And last word, I just want to say: Hello, nice too meet u all, and let we share about virtual modding, if u all don't mind.. Hhe :D (sorry if my english not well..)
HI Ivan

welcome to autemo hope you enjoy your stay :-d
anything you need or want help with just PM me or the other Admins

Okay, Thanks Glacius.. I hope we can share about some technique in chopping.. Or specialy, I hope u and the others advice me.. :P
Welcome mate!!
I see you have some pretty cool chops so if you want help I'll try to be as helpful as I can :-d
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Hello Ivan! welcome to Autemo, have fun and i hope you learn a lot and enjoy your stay. Any questions just feel free to ask
Thanks J_HUI, Hhe, I just try my hobby, and now I want focus on this job in order to be the pro, or atleast being better in chopping.. hhe :D
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