HTC & Adrioid OS FTW
2 million just sold.

Oh ya, iPhone 4.

Game. Set. Match.
Post edited June 08, 2010 at 10:43:33 AM by Cloud
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Have 3 huge apple fan friends and 2 sold theirs already because it's not usefull enough, even to them xD
Wouldn't mind one for the lulz, but not prepared to buy one though.
That iPhone 4 is looking pretty mean.
If i can get out of my current contract, I'll be getting one of these!
I don't see the fuss about the "new" iPhone either really? Everything that was added now was available in other phones several years ago, like the video conversations which I believe became available with Sony back in '03? I'll quote IronChop and stick with my Nokia (though E65 :P )

(Don't get angry at me for again not loving everything Mr. Jobs is tossing out as gold, I just don't see it as gold and so much better than anything else just because of it's design. <_<)
Cloud wrote:
2 million just sold.

Oh ya, iPhone 4.

Game. Set. Match.

Im buying that ;)

I'll be getting the iphone 4 on my contract too, got the 3GS at the minute and it does everything i need/want it to do and more! I'm not a fanboy, i'm writing this on a PC, not a mac. Sure, other phones do things the iphone 4 will do and more... it's just personal preference.
For sure, I have no problems with that :P
If I paid the money for an Ipad I would want to be able to install programmes not just apps.
I had a chat about this with my friends and I gotta say it's sounding more and more appealing. I don't know how much I'd actually use one but I'd still like to try one out. Heading down to the apple store to check it out sounds like a plan on my agenda pretty soon... And I think my boss will be looking at actually buying one soon. Probably just for when he's on the plane or something.
yesterday I was keeping it in my hand.
What I can say....
Its fasten bigger with bigger hard IPHONE. Just without call function.
what I like- the books inside. You can buy books really cheap.
Second good thing- you can download all files to straight to ipad, no need pc/mac help :-d
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