Brush tips for road in motion!


As the title, does anyone have any tips and trick for how brush the road in motion so it looks real like this?!
Filter, blur . motion blur then chose the angle ,

you can brush it but its gonna take AAAGES lol

Thanks Glacius, quick respons! :D
Yes it more that I meant, but I don’t know the trix to get round it!
So I should first brush a ground/base then use filter (which filter shall be used, noise?) blur an motion blur should not be any problem?!
Try this tutorial!

You can use the way of working for a part of your background, I guess.
Lilja wrote:
Thanks Glacius, quick respons! :D
Yes it more that I meant, but I don’t know the trix to get round it!
So I should first brush a ground/base then use filter (which filter shall be used, noise?) blur an motion blur should not be any problem?!
ok its VERY simple

make a blank canvas right

then have 5 diff dark greys , NOT black .

Then just BRUSH it randomly on the screen , just do it like your dodling , just do that with all the colours ,many times

THen have it all on one layer, and use the filter, Blur , Motion blur, and set the angle to where you want it .

And its done, easy stuff ;)

On a blank canvas go Filter > Noise > Add noise. Turn it up to 100% (make sure monochromatic is on). Then on a new layer fill it with a dark grey over the top of the noise and set it to about 50 - 70% opacity (what ever looks sort of asphalt coloured). Merge the layers. Then go filter > blur > motion blur and blur it in what direction you want. Select the asphalt area copy it onto the area you need the road and skew it around until it looks in perspective to the image ;)
On this I added a road line onto the layer before I motion blurred it ;)
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims

Will use this in my latest project!
I missunderstud your first post glacius,but now i know.

Will try your bouth tips and see which one looks best for me!
Tanks again.
another option is to make the noise,
then make several paths with the pen tool, lining up in perspective (they get closer at one end)
then hit stroke path and set it to the smudge tool
play around with the smudge tool settings to get different speed of tarmac etc :D

but i think klaus's method is best :D
Post edited June 07, 2010 at 03:24:37 AM by ATC Design
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