What J_Hui said!
You gotta use different techniques :(
Oh I only use it like Rich said, small things :P
Also use it as a mouse, so naiz.

You could get a cheap one and try it before blowing monies! :P
Thanks for the replies guys,
Gonna see if me mate will let me buy his wacom bamboo, if not ill see about getting a cheap Trust one.
Although ive seen pics and vids of the Trust ones and it seems like theyre massive outside the actual area in which you can draw in, like a lot of not needed area around the tablet.
I've had a tablet for a while, and found it disappointing. Maybe it's the way it is set up (which I dont know how to change). But without having a tablet with a screen, hand-eye coordination takes a lot of effort, and brushing size and opacity need to be way more precise.

It's hard to repeat the same brush stroke twice with a tablet. For any other artwork like freehand paintings etc. it is more than fine. But with proper graphic design you need way more precision and consistency.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
The tablet hasn't affected much on my working. Mostly it's just sitting in the shelf. I only use it in making 3d textures and that kind of stuff.

Works that require more precision I use the mouse because that drawing on the board and having it then be seen on the screen just feels weird. :D
It depends what sort of design you are studying whether or not it helps there though it could be useful for sketches or quick product renders to be done. In terms of chopping, it has been said that C+P jobs don't really need a tablet, if you are doing a full brush I personally think it helps.

Two things to really remember are, 1. It is to each individual whether they prefer a tablet or not (which I do) and 2. The tools do not maketh the man - If you crap your crap if your good your good.
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