ATC-Design wrote:
i didn't decide...i've been completely banned from the computer...except for homework, by my parents (the woe's of being 15 :( ) and i've been banned from watching telly too :O

and...for no reason..
so i may be back....

i was banned once before and i'm still here! Hang in there! :)
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
I swear ATC's like..5? :P

dude, you'll go back. I still fuck around on PS with cars and i've said that I don't any more..:P
lol...yeh...i willo be back XD
I'll probably be on here a little bit, but not parents are out atm you see :P
@zero, thanks for the offer...but...yeh not yet :D

and ryn....don't lie XD:
Rock says:
omg your alive!
I say:
yeh :S
Rock says:
Ryn (opeo) said you got hit by a bus :(
Rock got the idea of death into my head..! It's not my fault; that's the way my mind works! XD

I was also banned when I broke the pc XD.. I'm still here ;)
Good to hear from you Andehrew. XD
just say you got parental supervision on autemo xD
hell im turning 35 almost :( xD

seriously i hope to see you back soon :-d

btw i'm a bit low on chopping myself , so much stuff to do lately (summer hey)
"Mom, it's okay. A man soon to be 35 from the Netherlands is watching me!"

Doesn't sound too good :P ;)
rich wrote:
btw i'm a bit low on chopping myself , so much stuff to do lately (summer hey)

post pics of your garden if you will be finishing that xD
Opeo2 wrote:
"Mom, it's okay. A man soon to be 35 from the Netherlands is watching me!"

Doesn't sound too good :P ;)

Bwahahaha!!! :D
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