photoshop charges/fees

So, it appears that I am going to have an opportunity to do some Photoshop work on contract for my current employer. I design the tanks you see on the bottom of helicopters used to dump water on fires and stuff. So the work will most likely be brochure layouts or poster type images. What I am trying to get a feel for is what I should charge. Maybe this isn't the best place to ask because you guys are mostly from other countries. But lots of you do this to get paid already so i figured it couldn't hurt.
Not sure if appropriate or correct but i did a job removing images of a video camera perch out of warehouse pictures and placed them in new locations. One being in the desert on the hummer it was connected to.

But off of that, it was a project that took a wee bit of time and 6hrs of total work to be fair and i charged $50 per hour and made a solid 300
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
Think of an amount you would do it for. Never go under that because that will affect your motivation and you won't be at your best.

As a guide line graphic design professionals usually charge no less than 30EUR (which I think is about 50USD like Chopperkid44 above me mentioned). I take it you are not a pro (just yet!) so I'd say the safe bet would be to charge a little under that.

Try to get some kind of average between these two and I think you should be fine.
Post edited April 14, 2010 at 05:35:39 PM by ollite20
best way is to get a fixed price per hour
or at least a min. total price per design / work

price is just so hard i mean just depends on how long it takes to do

lets say its easy and done very quick-ish i would prefer a fixed price per job

if its massive work and takes a lot of hours a hor rate is best

but what to charge is hard to say money wise :-d

but some sort of contract would also be wise , something in writing :-d
Thanks for the response guys. Originally the CEO wanted to make it a part of my normal job here, but my boss isn't going to let that happen because I have way too much crap to do as it is. Digging around online I was able to find a median charge of like $39/hr in this area. That seems alright considering what a couple of you guys mentioned. I tell you what though I've always found it hard to put a price tag like that on things I enjoy doing, and find fairly simple to do. its the same for me with painting/airbrushing. I've got a guy paying me $200 to paint his motorcycle helmet and that seems like a ton of money. But the "pros" are charging 4-500.

Anyway...I like the idea of setting the hourly wage and then also a min fee. That way they can't abuse me on 15minute projects. Probably just minimum of an hour...I'd take $50 for 15min of work :P. Guess I'll just have to see how it plays out, and what the projects are exactly before I can know for sure.

Thanks again guys.
I'd end up fixing what I would ask because I sometimes work unbelievably slow :+
I know thats not proffesional and all though :p
Good luck with the work ey!
Luke_Jones wrote:
I've always found it hard to put a price tag like that on things I enjoy doing,

I have noticed the same myself. Especially when it's a previously finished work. I've sold some of my works way too cheap. On the case of accepting a new job I have agreed for a too low of a price just to make sure I get the job although the work itself wasn't that "glamorous". That didn't go so well like I mentioned on my previous message. I had to make the same images they asked for over and over again. Since I didn't get much money from it either so you can imagine how that affected my motivation.

I really hope the job thing turns out well for you and you get paid enough as you should. ;)