Oil Painting / Still life - Cloth with bread and plate

Hey autemo crew,

here is a project I made for school. This is a copy of an excerpt out of a painting of a famous painter.
Dunno right now who it is. We had a copy on a paper of it, about 12x5cm. We had to paint our own
version out of it but it had to have many similarities with the original.

The painting was painted with oil colors on a paper size 50x32cm.

Hope you like it.


Deviant Art for High Res:

Best regards,
No answers yet...naaaah thats kinda sad. :/
WOW UR insane 0,0 thats amaziing i thought it was a real masterpiece in a art gallary haha xD

really nice man :-d

I see you can handle the real brush really well. Great colors. The bread really looks like bread, not only as an idea but the as the shape and colors. The plate looks a bit wonky but it might be like that in the original as well so I can't really comment on that more than that.

I hate undigital painting myself. :P Mixing up the colors is hard and there's no Ctrl+Z!

Anyway, the painting looks great. You keep that skill up. :-d
i like it , nice atmosphere :-d
Seventh Wonder MalĂ˝
As Olli said, the bread is awesome. It actually looks like real bread. Spot on!
Rest is great too! ;)
Thank you all for comments =)...Really aprecciate that. Could have been more, but who cares, it is mostly a forum for virtualcartuning, so its more than cool to have nevertheless such a topic in here. Thanks, dudes...Created a new thread with new flyer // http://www.autemo.com/forums/?t=3647
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