Went to Damtjern outside Drammen instead mate, it was about 5am before we started rolling back home, so couldn't go to the Oslo-area.

Ran into a construction site to pee, hit a steel thing and this happened, ffuuuuuuuuuuu:

As you can see I tried to mend it with tape, the tear ran much further down. Got it sown up now though, but the gash in my thigh is hurting like hell :P
Awww, that sucks mate! :(

Hey! Come to Vestby tomorrow! Weve rented the same speaker system they are about to use at Tusenfryd. Its gonna be a wild party at Vestby VGS! :D
Tine & Elin is also coming ;)
Takin, going to Tryvann tomorrow? Might go if I can collect the cash, I spent everything I had (1500kr or so) there on Saturday, don't know what I spent them on though, they're just gone, lol. Meeting up with some chicks if I go, so don't know if I'll have the time to talk so much xD

BTW; here's a video from the weekend :) http://vimeo.com/11620984
Post edited May 12, 2010 at 01:10:12 AM by DevilsTower
Noo :( I just came home from the hospital... Hjernehinnebetennelse :(
I dont think its so smart of me to party now, as i have 4 holes in my back after the spinal puncture..
Why were you in hospital dude?
Viral Menigits....
I discovered just now that its lethal! :(
Wth dude, that's extremely unlucky! God bedring :)
I hope you get well soon bud
Thanks alot guys! The doctors told me that it didnt look so bright for my sake..
But im ignoring that! Im wanna live my life out to the edge untill the day i die - in 80 years! Fuck no if im going now!
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