tablet description

hello guys..i wont know how are you use tablet for vt....

and i want know who is better..tablet or mouse in virtual tuning!! ***NEW CHOP FROM TURBO DESIGN***
Depends on how you chop, really.
If you copy-paste for the most part, you won't need a tablet. But if you like brushing more, a tablet is awesome, and you will achieve much better results.

Mouse or tablet? It really depends. If youre more into using pentool and such i would recoment the mouse. But somehow you can do that with a tablet aswell.
The biggest difference is that you have pressure sensitivity on the tablet.

I would use the tablet!
google is your best frend....:)
and this is the wrong forum...;)
mouse all the way unless you can draw =)

imo ive found a tablet to work alot better for brushing, and a mouse to work alot better for C+P work, I changed between the 2 one a chop quite a few times but if you've got money to burn and ya only to the C+P part of your hobbie then buy a sensitive and smooth mouse, thats what id do anyway :D
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Echoing the above but it does depend on your chopping style. I disagree slightly with glac as while it is similar to traditional drawing in how it works, obviously with photoshop etc you can easily do and re-do something until it right. Though a tablet isn't everything for chopping, i don't think there are too many people who use purely a tablet.

Best answer though is see if you can use one and see what it is like. Whether at school/college/university or borrow a friends. Though if you do use one, give it a couple of weeks of use to see get used to it and get settled with it.

Edit: I wanted to add, that I think that chopping C+P is easier with a mouse but brushing is easier with a tablet. Though the most important word in that sentance is I. It is all so subjective to the individual doing the work.
Post edited March 31, 2010 at 08:49:11 PM by Greboth
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