The end of Autemo monthly competitions

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Hey guys, this community has seen a large decline in activity and I think we've reached a point where we can stop doing the monthly competitions as well. I highly encourage member driven competitions for those who wish to keep the comps going, it has been an honour hosting these competitions every month since 2018!

I made an effort to collect the points from all competitions going back these six years, I ended up crashing LibreOffice when I made it to 2021 and corrupted the entire file :( but I think it's fairly safe to say that dashmode is the one to have collected the most points throughout these years.

I love you all, as always huge thanks to everyone who has taken apart in competitions these years, and thanks to everyone who has taken time to vote as well!
Previously known as X-Raited Creations
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Propably the right decision. Thanks for the efforts in hosting these!
nordic man wrote:
Propably the right decision. Thanks for the efforts in hosting these!

Thanks for filling in when needed!
Previously known as X-Raited Creations
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cheers brother tanks for being amazing
2 people liked this.
Thanks for everything. I'm plenning to do some VT in the near future, so maybe see you soon.
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