RaySwordz Design wrote:
Daniel Talhaug wrote:
Which file-format is the file you're working in?


I think you need to consider moving to a different program if you want to learn Vector graphics. Here's a list of free vector programs that can compete with adobe illustrator.
Previously known as X-Raited Creations
Daniel Talhaug wrote:
I think you need to consider moving to a different program if you want to learn Vector graphics. Here's a list of free vector programs that can compete with adobe illustrator.

I really appreciate your suggestion. But I feel like I really enjoy Flash than other vector programs cuz it fits my style, it's very easy to use and I'm very familiar with it, and if I use other programs besides Flash, my laptop will freeze. so... yeah...
RaySwordz Design wrote:
Daniel Talhaug wrote:
I think you need to consider moving to a different program if you want to learn Vector graphics. Here's a list of free vector programs that can compete with adobe illustrator.

I really appreciate your suggestion. But I feel like I really enjoy Flash than other vector programs cuz it fits my style, it's very easy to use and I'm very familiar with it, and if I use other programs besides Flash, my laptop will freeze. so... yeah...

But flash is dead. Learning and mastering Vector art could actually land you a pretty good job some time in the future. You can also save vector art without it going blurry as hell. ;)
Previously known as X-Raited Creations
Daniel Talhaug wrote:
But flash is dead. Learning and mastering Vector art could actually land you a pretty good job some time in the future. You can also save vector art without it going blurry as hell. ;)

Hmm... I'll figure it out after I finish my current project
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