Maserati libertywalk

Hello my friends, after some time I managed to finish my Maserati I hope you like it, I accept your questions and critics. (sorry for my English) :D
Freestyle design
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There are a few mistakes here, some areas needs a bit of blur, remember to use 0.3 feathering on your selections, you won't get jagged edges and there needs to be a bit of the left tyre too, but the main one is the rear fender, this is what it should more or less look like:

looks great tho! keep it up :-d
1 person liked this.
Hey. Agree with Veer.
But at all Great job
Obrigado, Batman eu uso 0,3 em meus trabalhos mas tive um pouco de trabalho no Rear Fender, e estou tentando focar na parte de iluminação. :)
Freestyle design
1 person liked this.
:-d i like it :-d
1 person liked this.
This looks awesome, my only real issue is the way it sits on the background, needs more shadow towards the front and right area of the car, you can see the sun clearly behind it. nice work anyway ^^
Redz Design
Thanks everyone for the tips, I will take these tips for the next jobs.
Freestyle design
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