Mazda 2, 2 Door Conversion

Started this WIP, brushed all mods excluding IC pipe and rims, basically fattened up the arches and put a bodykit all round. It's missing something in the front. I tried brushing some vents but didn't really like them, tried an intercooler, which did not look good on this car. Trying to give it a street racer look with details such as the brushed air intake in the front.

I also converted the 4dr into a 2dr.

And yes i know my Version is paler because i couldn't be bothered uploading the orig so just stole JD's from his thread... :D dw, will add filters etc once mods are done.



thanks, please comment,
i like it so far, but like Rich's chop, the sideskirt is a bit narrow. so IMO instead of lowering it so much, just extend the side skirt and FB.
Also i like the new arches :D

keep going!!
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Firstly I love how its been bagged. But J_Hui is kinda right, you could probably raise the car back up a half inch and use that extra room to extend the sideskirt. That'll help to balance out the proportions of the kit better. Try removing those two little inserts on the top front grill, the ones on the side of the badge. Or possibly make them black, that might help it. I'd also do away with the purple intake. It looks like a pimple so at least make it another colour instead of that ghastly purple :P Lastly a slight headlight eyelid done in the bodycolour might be just what's needed as well. Keep at it!
thanks guys, will do :)
and btw MK, the reason i made it purple is because the rims have purple nuts ( xD ) and it also is the colour that opposes green.
Post edited January 13, 2010 at 09:19:45 PM by DubBoy
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