3D Design help

Hi all, I know we have some great 3D artist in here so I wonder if someone can tell me; how to start in 3D design, which program to use, is there any great community for tips and tricks?
You can get the job done with any of the 3d software around. It all comes down to preference or whichever you can get the easiest. Blender, for example, is a freeware. Then there are a bunch of smaller software packages for specific purposes but I don't think you need to worry about those in the beginning.

Then, you just start working, trying things. No easy way around it. There are plenty of tutorials to get more familiar with the software of choice and techniques.

My tip is to start simple. As your first project, choose one object instead of a large combination of objects (like a complete car) or you might wear yourself out.

I'm not very active on 3d forums myself but from browsing it once in a while, I've found Polycount.com a great, helpful community. It's more oriented towards game art and assets but it's a mixed crew really.
First thing first, thanks for your reply :)

Yea, i know, but major problem with this kind of softwares is unknown interface of program, tools or whatever..

Of course I'm planning to start with simple object than a complete car :D

Hmm, I'm just looking for some community where you can learn some tricks for software just like we learned for photoshop :)

Sorry on my english
dude you can use Autodesk 3ds Max is an excellent software to design anything in 3D, I use it to model in 3d exelentes has many tutorials on youtube for both modeling cars among other things. I do not know if that was your doubts. :-d
Freestyle design
The easiest 3D software to get to grips with is Google Sketchup (in my opinion).
It is very intuitive and completely free, and you really can model just about anything.

Lots of tutorials about too, regardless of what software you use.
Over the summer I've been using SolidWorks, and that's great - there is a similar piece of software known as Creo - and with a little thought can be used in much the same way. Creo is also free if you are a student :)

Like ollite says, take things slowly, and work out how to make shapes. The usual method is to work in one view at a time, (top, front, side) to make the shape look right from each angle, then the 3D shape appears by itself :)

Good luck :-d
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Thanks for replys guys, anyway, I downloaded Blender and I must admit it's not so easy how it looks like. I found some tutorials on YT and I made a cup for my first project in 3D world :D I'm not going to show it, because it's bad hahaha
That's a good start. Good to hear you got it going.
Yes, thanks! Btw, which software do you use for designing? For example, in which software did you made that V12 Goblin?
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That one was modelled in 3ds Max, but like I wrote earlier, it really doesn't matter which software you use. The more important thing is how and what you use to render it out.
Post edited October 02, 2014 at 09:19:33 PM by ollite20
Thanks a lot! Yes, I like the Blender because of his integrated Cycle render software in it.
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