ohhh that video, the millionaire campaign about a cause that could have been a millionaire aid to the actual cause instead, dont get me wrong what hapened was disgusting, but the only reason this campaign existed was for some idiots to make money out of someone else suffering,its pretty obvious this campaign was created so U.S. could invade Uganda after finding they had an oil reserve (you can read everywhere online that the U.S used Kony as an "excuse" to invade Africa for they oil wells), rumours say that Kony was not even there anymore when the U.S. "decided" to hunt him down (and to be fair i believe he was dead even before this whole kony 2012 scam) , also there is probably more replacing Kony and no one gives a fuck cause the oil is dried out (yes you can actually read online about dried out wells in Uganda)Musevini for example, till not long ago, he was running a similar horrific story, did the U.S gave a fuck about it? NO... i didnt think so
also if you look at other not so long ago invasions practiced by the U.S. there is allways a "humanitary reason" to invade a country that for some reason coincidently has a gazillion of oil activity
KONY 2012 is not about saving kids. KONY 2012 is about occupying the oil in Uganda and they are playing on your emotions to do it.
the same way the invasion of Iraq was with the excuse of bringing freedom to the Iraqui people but more people died since the american invasion than under 30 years of Saddam's brutality, and they'r sudden interest about Iraqui people freedom came after Oil was found in Iraq, coincidence? i don't think so.
i know a lot of people will call me stupid and conpiracist, but the facts are out there to analise, it makes more then sence
Post edited May 22, 2014 at 08:11:59 AM by hugosilva