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Behave StephaniAlexandra, or deal with the consequences.
Are you new at internet? The picture you linked is even smaller?
You're the one that challenged him stephani. And he could still win, even though he's new
i mean, his image was 800x600, and i linked him a much bigger version of it. he just needs to download it, lol. and for ...'s sake, let's see that. if he beats me, i will quit from choppin.
A 12 yrs old chopping. Can you belive that? I am that one.
StephaniAlexandra wrote:
then why you are competing with me when ydk nothing bout VT?

Why not why are you such a useless and stuck up chopper?
StephaniAlexandra has been banned, so you should look for a new opponent ;)
Ohhh ok if you want to see it i uploaded onto my profile!! it quite bad.
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