I don't now how to brush , can somebody help me to learn???

I am a fresh member here, and I have not learned all the techniques ... Can someone help me to learn to brush ... please ... :)
pozdrav.....nemoj zuriti sa brushom...prvo radi c/p.....brush ce polako doci.... :-d
english please :)
Anyways i have tried to find someguides, And this is one of them :http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5183/tutorialreflect.jpg
Also for some refs: http://www.autemo.com/forums/?t=796
And also this one: http://www.autemo.com/forums/?t=300

I hope this will help you somewhat :) Also a tip from me! When you are starting and learning how to brush, it is very important to just brush small stuff like Bumpers and such.. Just to find your brushing style. Also try to C/P in bumpers on the car then rebrush them, that will help you alot! :-d Now Good luck!
Old Hondas never die, they just get faster!
Here's a resource that will give you all of the tutorials you could ever want on brushing...just look through the pages and find some you like. Even if they have nothing to do with cars you will learn a lot. http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorials/Photoshop/Brushes/1 :-d
Thanks everybody for helping...
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