BMW-435i Coupe




1st of all, work on higher resolution bases, works alot easier and is better for details (and easier for us to comment!)
that rear wing is very off and not visible through the rear window
the wheels are off as well and need some shadows
your selections are very very edgy, zoom in alot more when selecting, take more time for it
and the color change is too saturated, doesn't look real anymore

let's just keep it at that for now :)
You forgot about the new headlights. I don't know what your technique was, it just doesn't look very... real.
'Creativity is intelligence having fun.' - Albert Einstein
1 person liked this.
Yellow Cab wrote:
You forgot about the new headlights. I don't know what your technique was, it just doesn't look very... real.

i know, just didn't want to throw too much at him at once :)
Thank you all

And thank you for your remarks
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