hey guys

just wanted everybody to know i have been a bit less active the last 2 weeks and still will be for a short perioud..
i still read every post every day (chops) but cant really spend the time i'm used to ..
i'm very busy with some things
so no chops as well
i'm waighting for the next comp thing
not a bad thing , a small break is only good for inspiration

just very busy with some stuff :)
Ah, a shame Rich :/ Take care though, we'll be here for when you get back :P
no biggie, i will be lots less active too soon :P
no worries i'm still here but since i was really really active i didnt want people to think i lost interest :P
I'm the same dude, working my backside off up to xmas.
No problems at all mate ;) We'll still be here when u get active again :-d
:-d :-d :-d :-d
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