Need help on school project!

Hello guys!
I really need your help with an assignment ive got. This counts halv my grade for this term, so i really really apprechiate any help! Its basically about reading books and then making yourself a question you have to answer yourself. Ive decided to read "The Digital Fortress" and "The Da Vinci Code" both by Dan Brown.

The "question" i have to answer is; "how does the authour use technology as the part in the book and what role do they play?".

Anyone read these books? Can you come with pointers on what i can write about?
Yep, I've read both. It's been a couple of years though, but lemme see what I can come up with.

Well, in The Digital Fortress technology obviously play a huge role, as the computer plays a major role. You could draw some lines to why it's a fortress; what is it protecting => why is it protecting it, and how is it protecting it. Maybe you could compare it to some old Norwegian castle, or something like that.

If I remember correctly, is there a whole lot of technology involved in The Da Vince Code? I dunno what to say about it, since I don't remember anything about technology.

Lykke til ;)
read both of them (epic books as all dan brown ones are)

digital fortress has the huge supercomputer which decodes encrypted messages being sent back and forth and uses it to keep an eye on the world on an epic scale, but nobody knows it exists.
Da Vinci code uses technology on a smaller scale like blacklights etc. It's good that one of the books uses tech more than the other one. This will make it a hell of a lot easier to elaborate on the point you're trying to make, it being easier to find comparisons/differences. Talk about how critical the technology is to exaggerate the issues at hand in the book and how they thicken the plot, sometimes playing on the public eye's ignorance to bend a few rules with novel writing. Basically, Dan Brown takes advantage of readers' limited knowledge of the technology he writes about meaning he can achieve a storyline that would otherwise be more or less impossible in a conventional fiction. This is one of his talents, meaning he can use completely non existent technology and put it in a realistic environment, making us believe whatever the hell he wants us to. He's a good writer and he's damn smart with the way he goes about it. The only book where technology plays a critical lead role in digital fortress, the clue is in the name really. The other ones, they're just there to make the story more interesting.
Thanks alot for the pointers jack :D Awesome!
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