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I dont have the excel spread sheet at work. but what I did was.

I added up all the votes
9pts Mrx
8pts Mr.y
7pts ms.z

And then after adding up all the scores I ranked them from person with most points to least (remember I mixed both divisions together). the leader board points and the voting points was done differently so the points you see are irrelevant.

Linuh, the rule is, people with less then 20 posts I do not count, did you add those too? :P

Sorry if the leader board is messy, it's the first time I'm doing this, and there is just so many damn entries.

What I will do is change it so people with no votes only get 5 points, good idea?
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You never get solution with this comps...to many ideas or to many users with this ideas.Chaos.Admins.Its Your job.You decide.
agree with rc82.. admins just do what you think is right :)
btw. congrats to all but especially to polish artists.. that's great result for us.. we simply owned this round ;) :D
J_HUI wrote:
I dont have the excel spread sheet at work. but what I did was.

I added up all the votes
9pts Mrx
8pts Mr.y
7pts ms.z

And then after adding up all the scores I ranked them from person with most points to least (remember I mixed both divisions together). the leader board points and the voting points was done differently so the points you see are irrelevant.

Linuh, the rule is, people with less then 20 posts I do not count, did you add those too? :P

Sorry if the leader board is messy, it's the first time I'm doing this, and there is just so many damn entries.

What I will do is change it so people with no votes only get 5 points, good idea?

My bad than mate ;) I didnt leave people with less than 20 points out
Nihad08 wrote:
ohh this sucks...there is more then 20 entries with 10 points...how you decide who is better place then O.o ... you should make voting for those who had same number of points :/

Because this is only round 1 I didn't make a separate list, as I already labeled 1st-60th next to your names :P

So for round 1 you ranked:
44 - Skyline_DesiGn - 10pts
45 - martin6887 - 10pts
46 - rodjoo - 10pts
47 - Gybson - 10pts
48 - Nihad08 - 10pts
49 - rap - 10pts
50 - GPdesign - 10pts

I will change is so people with no vote will have 1 point, just so they are in the scoring system. As most mentioned, having 10 points even with no vote is a bit unfair.

I'm not good with maths!!!!!! :| XD
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No worries J.You made a good job ;)
Yeah,congratz to the polish guys !

J,your idea is good for mixing both divisions,BUT when in one of the divisions we have alot of works that are good,the winner get less votes becouse of the big competition in this division then the winner in the other division where we don't have that big competition and the guy from the 2nd divisions automaticly wins ;)

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the best 10 from both divisions should be put together for another voting, thsn you can really see who's the best (acording to votes offcouse)
Kia Rio is not a good plan xD xD xD xD xD
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