HELP! Lowering a car and Background.

I need a guide on how to lower a car making sure the background doesn't have any white space around it, where you have moved the car.

Any Help appreciated.

To avoid the white space is simple.
You select all of the top half of the backdrop as well, then copy and paste.

See here:
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Omg such a great tutorial. Takes me back lol
92% of the teenage population has moved on to rap. if you are part of the 8% that stayed with rock, put this in your profile
ATC Design wrote:
To avoid the white space is simple.
You select all of the top half of the backdrop as well, then copy and paste.

See here:

Cheers Andy, you about to chat on IM tonight, its been a while :P
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You know, this was posted in the Tutorials section. Where Tutorials are posted. I don't mean to be rude but come on..

Check the Tutorial Index
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