2 people liked this.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD: If you get a white screen after clicking "post", do NOT press F5/update the site - if you get a white screen that means that your reply has been posted and if you press F5/update you will just double post a million times.
DevilsTower lies, he's a troll! Everybody know this!
it will do no such thing! TRY IT!
Post edited March 21, 2011 at 03:55:55 AM by samvesters
3 people liked this.
My new desktop

u leik?
I'm gonna solve this damn white screen for good.... I think I know what is happening now and why it doesn't happen all the time.

As for the likes they do add to the artists points weighting, they also notify the artist on their newstream as well. Soon I want to make it so you can click on the '1 person liked this' link and see who actually did the liking, much like how fb does it.
Earthworm211 wrote:
As for the likes they do add to the artists points weighting, they also notify the artist on their newstream as well
Liked post

+ 1 point

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DevilsTower wrote:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD: If you get a white screen after clicking "post", do NOT press F5/update the site - if you get a white screen that means that your reply has been posted and if you press F5/update you will just double post a million times.

I just go back a page after the white screen appears.

Now a wild magikarp appears, it uses splash!
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J_HUI wrote:
Now a wild magikarp appears, it uses splash!

It's super effective! Australia loses 75HP and has 55HP left.
What will Australia do?

Do not feed the troll, it bites.
v=∫dv where lim->r, lim->(-r)
v= π∫(r^2-x^2)dx, which again means that v= π(∫r^2dx - ∫x^2dx) where lim->r, lim->(-r)
v=πr^2∫dx - π∫x^2dx
v=πr^2[x](lim->r and -r)-π[1/3x^3](lim->r, lim->(-r)
v=2πr^3-((2π/3)(r^3)) = ((6πr/3)(r^3))-((2π/3)(r^3))
v=((4π/3)(r^3)) which is the final answer

How about that faggots.
Something for the resident troll to think about,
do you define an electron, as particals or as waves?
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