Just tried Assassins Creed 1 yesterday. Last of the ubisoft 25 year package for me to try.
First impressions were tbh quite bad, game is not optimized well for pc at all.

Resetted everything and restarted the game and it turned well playable and seems to be good sofar.

Few annoying things on like the exiting game, but luckily the game is good enough so you wont need that much haha.

Cheers to Nicklas for reconmending it to me.
Thing about the first AC is that it's soo sooo repetitive, the latter games are way better ;)

Np tho, just spreading the message of my "religion" :P
Woow running along tree branches. Can't wait to see the game and what the cities are like!

Luckily there's much to do while the wait. Just ordered the new SSX game for PS3. Should be quite rad.
Nicklas wrote:
Thing about the first AC is that it's soo sooo repetitive, the latter games are way better ;)

I didn't like the first one much because of that and also because the plot turns interesting way near the end. I played it way after AC II which is excellent and has a lot more variation to it. I did enjoy AC Revelations too although people have been saying it's not that good. I haven't played Brotherhood so maybe that's why I can't find anything "wrong" in Revelations.
Post edited March 06, 2012 at 07:46:08 AM by ollite20
Yeah, it looked awesome! Looking so much forward to some more trailers. I like how they're trying to change it up a bit - AC:II, AC:B and AC:R have been a biiit similar, also they ran on the same engine, where AC:III will have a new engine.
I'm excited to see which roles you'll play in the revolution, and most of all, I'm f***ing excited to see what happens with Desmond next! (!!!)
Dammmmmmmmit ME:3 comes out tomorrow and I'm too damn busy to set aside to play it!

AC is sick. I would totally fall in love with that series if they mixed a bit more rpg element into it. I could imagine how cool that would be. Like skyrim sized, but with the AC gameworld. That could be a dream game for me.
Been playing ME3 the whole of yesterday, only been awake for like an hour thanks to that :D. Will continue in a while. It just has so many recognizable moments and new unique ones. Of course there are some things that have become a bit more.. simplified to please the general playerbase, but so far they haven't bothered me much.

This is one game you cant spoil too much in this thread because it's so story driven though. All I can say is I'm quickly picking up renegade points again and my character's facial scars are already breaking up.
Artist formerly known as "Dev"
Nicklas wrote:
excited to see what happens with Desmond next! (!!!)

His badassery is not on par with Ezio or Altaïr for him to be as interesting.
And! The walk animation looks weird, holding his shoulders so far back. I know it's bascally the same as Ezio's walk cycle but Ezio's clothes are so much more grand that the shoulders don't stick out that much.
And! He's got the same voice as Nathan Drake which is confusing to me.


But yeah, I'm intrigued as well to see what's going on with Desmond considering they've been building up to him kinda being 'the chosen assassin of the future' for quite a long time.
Post edited March 08, 2012 at 12:30:12 PM by ollite20
Yeah, I read that in IGN's critics as well, although I don't agree. I'm really hoping that we'll get to take Desmond into some combat, like in the end of AC:II (we most likely will).

Desmond is just a fit guy with some wide shoulders, don't mock him!!! :P :P
Sure he's fit (he is an assassin!) but look at how wide he keeps his arms when he's walking. Just ridiculous. He doesn't have huge muscles which would explain that. I think he's trying to make himself look beefier than what he is.
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You're just jealous!
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