Bump for tonight, hoping I can get my hands on the Tv and play gt5.
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Sorry guys but I have to pull out from tonight's session at the last minute, so someone else will have to host.

It's safe to say I'm *censored* pissed off as I was really looking forward to this.
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Seems I can race with you. Just hop online people!

EDIT: Guess not since no-one's around.
Post edited February 12, 2012 at 10:20:04 AM by ollite20
i was waiting someone online no one...
well, maybe next sunday right?
I know how you feel Klaus, I fired up the PS to get ready for the GT session and then it said I needed to update to v4.10 to get online with it... it was taking forever and then stopped halfway through. So I'll have to d/l from work throughout this week sometime
Can't play online for a good month, as I'm moving permanently to Melbourne and only have my phone and portable internet usb stick. I supposed I could use my phone as a wifi hub or somehow do the same with my laptop and the usb stick, but it may be a bit difficult.

A month of abstinence from GT5 should keep me keen when I get back online though! XD
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Just ordered MW3 for PC!
inb4 Battlefield is better n shit cos I only chose MW3 to play with my friends :P
Just got FFXIII-2 yesterday. Haven't tried it yet. I liked the previous one although there was no side quests really. This one should take care of that and it's really the only thing I'm expecting from this one.

Also (maybe) worth mentioning, just one trophy left to get and I got the platinum trophy from yet another game; AC Revelations.
klaus btw I'm using mobile wifi too. Who are you with? The speeds on mine sucks 50% time.
I'm with Telstra. For some reason my Internet cuts out for 30 minutes at a time then works for about 10 minutes no problem. I'll get it checked out because it shouldn't be doing that. The stick gets ridiculously hot too so I stick it in the fridge to cool down XD. But my speeds can be up to 10mbps/3mbps sometimes depending on where I am.

I need to check out if there's a way for me to put out wifi through my laptop and use my PS3 through that.
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
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