thnx guys
first of all i want to start about something , i almost never got wheel issues in the past , people never said anything about my wheel positioning
the last 3 chops i did where all weird wheel wise , i just had trounble getting it right
my conclusion is i picked bases in different less safe angles and on all 3 i had a certain problem i never ever had before
its like when i lowered the car the wheels where in the ori position , usually it looks great and i only need to bring them out more , on this one it looked soo weird so i started angeling and changing them
then the problem is i think i get so focussed on the angles you just dont see it anymore and eveytime i get it wrong
i know the wheels are still not good and i just left them for now , also because i'm working on the arches witch can desray the looks again
my idea was to kinda start over , the front wheel i now know has got to have a totally new tyre , betetr proportioned and then replace the rim
the rim kinda looks steered due to the inside lip and the way the outer ring sits so i need to redo it and make it so the front wheel is steered and more of the right side gets behind the bumper and it needs to be further away from the arch and skirt on the left
on the ori the wheel is also very close to the skirt / door side thats maybe why i went wrong
the fun part is i', not a shamed , like said i never had real wheel issues in the past and its more of a chalelnge and drive to get them right
afterall i'm in advanced so i want to get that right
the rest of the body and stuff will be worked on
the bonnet is fun i actually overlayed the same blue as the roof , maybe i can add a bit more obvious blue
thanx for the comments
and well about the story i will see what i can do