@sfd/Page 3: Nissan Micra?

I'm starting to hate this winter.
The doors of my cars are always frozen so I cant open them...
You know you wanna click it!
Yeeah finally the right answer :D

after the snow comes the cold...today morning I drove to work we had -21° celsius. :D
what the fuck, 3mm ice on all the windows inside the car, crazy...really annoying when you try
to defrost your windows from the inside.
Post edited December 31, 2010 at 12:50:30 AM by sfdesignz
no snow were I live. its 45F degrees now but last week it was up to 85 degrees F in Januaury !
Excuse my English I'm dyslexic ;)
The lot of the snow is gone by now, so now we're just left with ice. Ice, ice, ice! On the roads, sidewalks, everywhere. I hate it even more than snow. When will this hatred ever take an end?
Nicklas wrote:
The lot of the snow is gone by now, so now we're just left with ice. Ice, ice, ice! On the roads, sidewalks, everywhere. I hate it even more than snow. When will this hatred ever take an end?

Same here, had to clear half a meter of wet and heavy snow when I came back to my apartment, was a pain in the ass. Then a damn tractor came and left a lot of snow where I had just spent 3 hours clearing :( And today everything had turned to ice, it was scary to walk to uni, I was afraid of slipping and falling into the road <_<
some of the snow has melted but apparently tomorrow should come again much more of it
currently only slightest amount of snow coming down, but atleast it aint cold enough so yay for me !

bring on the spring and warm weather !!1

edit : under 1h later and HUGE snowing going on there, i wish it would just go away and let the spring come :/
Post edited January 11, 2011 at 08:56:56 PM by nordic man

what we had 3 days ago and now all this is melting
+2C rite now and well if it start to freeze everywhere you can imagine what will be like
Im back again, finally able to bend my knee - but its f snowing AGAIN!
And as you said Espen - those damn tractors made a fucking hole in the road infront of our house!

Anyways, a picture i took this morning. Allthough the snow is shite - it can be really pretty.

been snowing for few days straight pretty heavily now
First it gets really cold, then it snows as hell.
Then birds starts to rain from the sky...
and then Australia is beeing flooded. (RIP the ones who didn't make it, and may things get better for all of you).

Whats the next?
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