ollite20 wrote:
Lilja wrote:
Good note about the seats. I will move them a little. The front bumper looks boxier from this angle with that lighting. I'll render different angles next time.
Color change is possible. I will probably do different colours later but for now I'm keeping it as white since that's the color on the "original". I'll look into the toy-ness of it too.
Thanks for the comment!
I think the toy-ness is because the earlier render was only 900 pixels wide. When it's rendered out in higer res you can see more of the detail and it doesn't look so toy-like. Here's a new render (1280 pixels wide. Copy it's address and paste it onto your browser navigation to see it in full size):
Since that one I have darkened the window sills, made seat belts and added the black stripe graphic onto the side. I also darkened the turning signal glass materials. It's not complete (the right turning signal isn't rendered completely) because it took too long (41 minutes!) so I stopped the rendering. (And again, copy the address etc.,..)
Post edited October 27, 2010 at 04:12:34 PM by ollite20