i think the idea's are great and i like unconventional (for us that is) cars being stripped and modifyed

curious on the progress
Good luck with it.
I think those are frikking awesome.
Dad had a creme-yellow one with red fake leather interior, chrome bumpers, looked classic :D
i have chrome bumpers to, that is cool lassic :-d
Here is my car :)



larsbild.se (Coming soon)
I haven't been on Autemo in ages, but I got a new car, so I thought I'd show you guys :D

Post edited February 15, 2011 at 10:12:29 PM by jm16892
But I see carsales watermark, I demand a photo of you holding a sign saying
"Hi Autemo, <3 from Australia"

Also is it a proper GT-R? the spoilers gone, Oh and extremely nice 32 :-d
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Haha, I'll have to take one tomorrow for you :)
And it sure is a GT-R. No spoiler though; I like it better.
Probably should remove the rego. though :/ FIXED :D
Post edited February 15, 2011 at 10:12:56 PM by jm16892
Congrats on an awesome car jm, R32's are the shit ;)

Hehe I saw the numberplate already, shame your in VIC or else I'd ask for a photoshoot :D
Love how you don't have the N1 vent on the front bar and the despoiler-ed look makes it very clean looking!
Also are the wheels Regamasters, nismo wheels or something ?
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Is that your 32 Devils?
I bought it pretty much how it is.
The only things I've changed are non visible things like tidying up wiring, upgrading stereo, interior detailing etc..
I'm not sure about the wheels to be honest, I've never bothered to find out, I was just fortunate it came with wheels I liked when I bought it.
I'll find out about them when I get the picture for you tomorrow :D

Here's the picture sans CarSales watermark and with a thingo saying "AUTEMO!" to prove it's mine :)
Post edited February 18, 2011 at 05:52:37 PM by jm16892
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