Man I don't understand haters sometimes - surely a sequel being similar to it's predecessor is what you'd expect right? And having said that, it's predecessor is the legendary MW2 afterall!! - so more of something that's already super awesome isn't a bad thing at all, one would assume.

Graphics, how could they possibly be worse? A game studio like infinity ward couldn't actually f*** that up and go backwards 2 years lol. The dumbasses saying that are probably just saying that cos they couldn't actually find anything else to trolll/whine about.

Or then again maybe they're the odd hater just cos it's so hyped up, which means some people would naturally hold such high unrealistic expectations of it.

For me, I think the game is gonna rock. I don't even care if they haven't sorted out all the flaws from MW2 out, like people boosting online and things like that. Hunting them down made it fun haha. Actually come to think of it, the haters are probably those booster guys.

If it wasn't for Skyrim I woulda got the game straight away, probably even gone to the midnight launch. But I'm gonna get it in a couple of weeks after I've played Skyrim for a bit then I'll bit hitting it up hard.
1 person liked this.
IMO BF3 is a more tactics based game, whereas in COD you have all the douchebag kids either a) running around with all stupid perks enabled making their footsteps silenced and Usain Bolt-mode activated, running around the map knifing everyone, or b) running around with their Barrett 50 cal doing 360 noscope/quickscope trickshots at you. Then again, if you refrain from said tactics and choose to actually utilize some proper strategy and, lets for instance say you lie down beside a tree with your sniper (good grief that is a horrible thought, you'll be laying still and will remain invisible, unfair!!!!! ) and get some proper headshots or tag enemies for your teammates to kill you get called all sorts of word combinations ending with "camper" followed by not just a few bad words, then everyone will be out to kill you, and just you for the entire game. You actually have to be a shit kid running around like a headless chicken on the battlefield not caring about your own health at all doing stupid shit to be accepted. Trying to excuse yourself saying that you're actually doing what you're supposed to do with your sniper gets them even more enraged.

And that is why I don't play COD.
Post edited November 08, 2011 at 04:26:09 PM by DevilsTower
i agree 100% =)
Chopperkid44 wrote:
There are a lot of haters on it being similar to MW2 and graphics are worse.

Funny how almost every time when there's a new iteration to a well-known franchise, people either say it's "too similar" to the previous or "too different it doesn't deserve the same title". xD
haha yeah the game studios can't win xD

Haven't played the BF franchise so I guess I can't comment on it. Everything I've heard about BF3 though sounds great so I would be keen on checking it out. Might pick up BF3 a little while before I get my hands on MW3 for something different - I'd be down for something that's a bit more realistic and strategic. The run and gun fast paced action of MW is still fun, if you're winning.

Anybody seen that BF3 'ultimate simulator' video from the gadget show?
Yeah, that was amazing. Very cool to watch how that soldier got carried away and started acting as though it was real.

Just read this over at Sole Collector in their MW3 topic, haha:
at midnight release some dude bought the game on 360 walked out side and threw the disc on the ground and cracked it, went to his car, let his top down pulled out a bf3 poster and said "real men play battle field 3"

what a night

Hero :mrteeth:
Yeah that simulator was awesome. A way better upgrade to your console than an eyetoy or something haha. It kinda reminds me like that movie 'Gamer', just without the actual real killing part

As for that midnight release, it's an expensive way to make a statement but would have been funny as to see the faces on the other people there ha

btw It's amazing at how much $$ is in the game industry now. I read MW makes over 1 billion each installment... waiting for NFS The Run :D
I read that the 0.5MB internet connection is sufficient to online gaming. Is it true?
I Get a 1MB connection, if I can play well without too much lag.
(I have a PS3)
Wow, which operator still gives out 1MB connections in Funland? I remember my operator upped their slowest to 4MB a long time ago.

Even the 0,5MB connection should be enough, it's just the people you play with might get annoyed for waiting for you to get to the start of the game. :P
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