CPWerks red eclipse anyone???

NOM15 alá 2006
Post edited July 21, 2011 at 08:26:38 PM by Bekkengen
Oh so thats where the Polish guys get there JDM inspiration :P
BTW Mk21112313, Dr. Gofast is here you know?
Brian wrote:
Oh so thats where the Polish guys get there JDM inspiration :P
BTW Mk21112313, Dr. Gofast is here you know?

All Polish choppers secretly make love to this chop every night XD

But seriously, that is still one of my favourite chops of all time! :-d
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims

Concept - Bumblebee Ver. by Jack
sfdesignz wrote:

Concept - Bumblebee Ver. by Jack

One of my fav all time chops right there.
jackdarton wrote:

One of my fav all time chops right there.

I'm guessing that inspired that S2000 of yours?
puszka321 wrote:
please video xD
MK211 wrote:
I really like the nos coming out of the rims
Klaus wrote:
jackdarton wrote:

One of my fav all time chops right there.

I'm guessing that inspired that S2000 of yours?

Pfft, noooooooooooooo

jackdarton wrote:
Klaus wrote:
jackdarton wrote:

One of my fav all time chops right there.

I'm guessing that inspired that S2000 of yours?

Pfft, noooooooooooooo


I don't think that chop even existed then...
my fave chop of all time has to be another one by him...


Only the rims let it down.. but for full brush ... its just epic... epic styling too!
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You, mr Andy, just nailed my fav chop of all time too :P

Used to have the version of that with the other lotus in there too which was designed by another chopper, then chopped by jack.

I'll find out which chopper it was now (Agespoom?)

EDIT: yeah, agespoom

Brianspilner was a machine. :omg:

But, yeah this one was Agespoom.

Haaha, jack, epic correction of your bracket.

http://jack85.altervista.org/galleryvt.html :)

Still know this one btw:
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