too busy now to make pics but the snow here in holland is insane
very thick layer in no time
yesterday all freeway tarmac where covered in a layer of 2 cm ice and i needed to bring a broken truck to the garage
a 30 minute drive cost me about 3 hours xD
all freeways where ull of trafic jams , cars cars cars where lined up in long long lines , so they could not get salt on the roads or clear the roads becuase they where all full with cars

a result of a bunch of people who keep driving like stig and cause accidents and then ...

is snow in certain places of europe so rare?
i have hard time believing so, yet i see in loads of places :chaos in here and there and also there too cause of snow...
same stuff happening on southern finland too lol, but still :D

oh, i guess the car in snow is fiat 600
Post edited December 18, 2010 at 09:52:32 PM by nordic man
yay - more snow today :D
and proper photos:

Post edited December 18, 2010 at 10:04:39 PM by ATC Design
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nordic man wrote:
is snow in certain places of europe so rare?
i have hard time believing so, yet i see in loads of places :chaos in here and there and also there too cause of snow...
same stuff happening on southern finland too lol, but still :D

oh, i guess the car in snow is fiat 600

no its not rare in europe
i know when i was little we had snow every winter
we used to iceskate every winter

the we really had a good amount of years where the winters where mild , not much snow (usualy only abut 4 days in wintertime)

now the real winters have been coming for a bout 4 years and hounestly people get crazy
we get weatheralerts when the first snowflakes hit the ground
they suddenly predict the worst winter ever ... when in fact they cant look forward that exact

why is it that every year when winter hits in no time the salt is used up ...

they can only whine about stuff but dont do shit to make sure the next year its better

it off-course makes a hudge difference witch area its in , i'm now talking about major city area's with crowded streets and lots of traffic

but anyway they should not get crazy right away
sfdesignz wrote:
This night it snowed again heavily in bavaria. Watch it!
This picture is from today at about 5.30am.

Let's start a little quiz. Can you tell me what car this is?

well last night there was more snow , this morning my car looked like this xD


my garden , really thick layer because in the middle my pond is raised above the pavement and its all level almost


well i have been shoveling for 2 and a half hours first the garden , the my car , also shoveled everything away around and under my car / wheels , under the snow there was actually a layer of ice
put salt on the ground around my car
they expect more sjow but this already is half the work if i have to go to work tomorrow

shoveled so much and hard i was swaeting and all hot xD xD

one cat went out and imidiatly got back in the house , my other cat (on the pic) really dont mind and went out and after an hour came back :P


i had to wear boots


after loads of shoveling



after a while my wife came to help


finally managed to dig the old girl out :P


Much snow again on Christmas Night.

These pictures were taken at 12.30am today.
This morning the whole streets looked like on the first picture.


Meals on Wheels was absolutely crazy today :D drifting always and everywhere. :D
This night it sn owed again heavily...damn, we already have many trucks in town, who transport the sn ow out of the city, cause it's too much, and we also dont have salt anymore.

One small town near us, a bit higher, has over 1metre of sn ow.

Here you can see a picture photographed in inner city.
its maddness hey sf design ? xD

luckely in my aerea its pretty much snowfree on the roads
only some streets are iced / frozen snow but for now its good...

but more snow is coming

in a part of holland 40 cm off snow fell in one day last week everything was closed
trucks / lory's where not allowed to drive anymore
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